Jeffrey Seiple

Jeffrey Seiple


Personal profile


Jeffrey K. Seiple, Director of Anatomical Donor Services for PCOM Georgia, is a licensed funeral director and embalmer in Florida and Georgia. An educator for more than 25 years, Seiple has taught various courses, managed an embalming program for a mortuary college and trained individuals in mass fatality management.

A sought-after speaker in the funeral industry, Seiple has participated in numerous continuing education seminars on embalming and caring for the deceased for funeral service associations from Florida to New Jersey. He is a contributing author to the booklet entitled “Alpha to Omega in the Preparation Room” and has published numerous articles dealing with embalming in funeral service trade journals as well as newsletters. He also served on the Federal Government Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT), Region IV.

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Education/Academic qualification

MBA, Brenau University

Funeral Service, AS, Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service

Business Administration and Economics, BA, Thiel College

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Anatomy


  • Anatomy