Personal profile


Dr. Ghilzai currently serves as PCOM School of Pharmacy's Associate Dean for Academics. He also served as the founding dean at the West Coast University School of Pharmacy in Los Angeles, CA for about two years. Earlier, Dr. Ghilzai served as a professor at LECOM School of Pharmacy where he taught and oversaw faculty development as Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs at both campuses (Erie, PA and Bradenton, FL).

Dr. Ghilzai has been an active American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) member for 18 years and contributed in the 2007 AACP-CAPE Supplemental educational outcomes. He has completed the AACP leadership program ALFP (Academic Leadership Fellows Program) in 2010. He was also appointed to chair the AACP committee to review the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) Standards and Principles.

Dr. Ghilzai has been part of an Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) self-study committees at four pharmacy institutions including PCOM School of Pharmacy. He has conducted ACPE site visits to evaluate other pharmacy programs. Additionally, Dr. Ghilzai has assisted pharmacy schools in India and Oman with curriculum and faculty development. He was also invited to speak at an international Indian pharmacy conference on the topic of starting Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program in India.

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Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Ludwig Maximilians University

Pharmacology, MPharm, University of Delhi

BPharm, University of Delhi


  • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences