An overview of Amish mortalities at a level I trauma center

Madison Morgan, Catherine Ting Brown, Larissa Whitney, Kelly Bonneville, Lindsey Perea

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Background: The Amish population is a unique subset of patients that may require a specialized approach due to their lifestyle differences compared to the general population. With this reasoning, Amish mortalities may differ from typical trauma mortality patterns. We sought to provide an overview of Amish mortalities and hypothesized that there would be differences in injury patterns between mortalities and survivors.

Materials and Methods: All Amish trauma patients who presented and were captured by the trauma registry at our Level I trauma center over 20 years (1/2000-4/2020) were analyzed. A retrospective chart review was subsequently performed. Patients who died were of interest to this study. Demographic and clinical variables were analyzed for the mortalities. Mortalities were then compared to Amish patients who survived.

Results: There were 1,827 Amish trauma patients during the study period and, of these, 32 (1.75%) were mortalities. The top three mechanisms of injury leading to mortality were falls (34.4%), pedestrian struck (21.9%) and farming accidents (15.6%). Pediatric (age ≤14y) (25%) and geriatric (age ≥65y) (28.1%) had the highest percentage of mortalities. Mortalities in the Amish population were significantly older (mean age: 39 years vs. 27 years, p=0.003) and had significantly higher ISS (mean ISS: 29 vs 10, p

Discussion: The majority of mortalities occurred in the pediatric and geriatric age groups and were falls. Further intervention and outreach in the Amish population should be done highlighting this particular cause of mortality.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 11 2022


  • Amish
  • Anabaptist
  • traumatic injury
  • mortality
  • Amish mortalities


  • Medicine and Health Sciences

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