Assessing Anxiety in Youth with the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children.

Chiaying Wei, Alexandra Hoff, Marianne A. Villabø, Jeremy Peterman, Philip C. Kendall, John Piacentini, James McCracken, John T. Walkup, Anne Marie Albano, Moira Rynn, Joel Sherrill, Dara Sakolsky, Boris Birmaher, Golda Ginsburg, Courtney Pierce Keeton, Elizabeth A. Gosch, Scott N. Compton, John March

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The present study examined the psychometric properties, including discriminant validity and clinical utility, of the youth self-report and parent-report forms of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) among youth with anxiety disorders. The sample included parents and youth (N = 488, 49.6% male) ages 7 to 17 who participated in the Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study. Although the typical low agreement between parent and youth self-reports was found, the MASC evidenced good internal reliability across MASC subscales and informants. The main MASC subscales (i.e., Physical Symptoms, Harm Avoidance, Social Anxiety, and Separation/Panic) were examined. The Social Anxiety and Separation/Panic subscales were found to be significantly predictive of the presence and severity of social phobia and separation anxiety disorder, respectively. Using multiple informants improved the accuracy of prediction. The MASC subscales demonstrated good psychometric properties and clinical utilities in identifying youth with anxiety disorders.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
StatePublished - Jul 11 2013


  • Clinical Psychology
  • Medicine and Health Sciences

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