Cadaveric and Chart Retrospective on Shoulder Variation: Morphology and Pain

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) is a category of several types of manual techniques used by osteopathic physicians. According to the osteopathic tradition, structure and function are intimately related. This project examined the relationship between shoulder structure and function in an osteopathic framework, with a specific goal to understand how the structure of the acromion affects the development of shoulder injuries. For the first part of this project, cadaveric dissections were performed and muscle diameters were taken of structures within the subacromial space. The second part of this project assessed the efficacy of OMT in shoulder somatic dysfunction for patients treated at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM).

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 11 2016


  • Life Sciences
  • Medicine and Health Sciences

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