Pharmacotherapy of Gestational Diabetes Show Me the Literature - Point and Counter Point Debate

Research output: Other contribution


Presentation at the American Association of Diabetes Educators 2013 Annual Meeting. Diabetes during pregnancy whether pre-existing or gestational diabetes can be challenging to manage. For patients with pre-existing diabetes, preconception care is essential in order to minimize the risk to mother and fetus. The drug pregnancy categories provide a standardized method for assigning level of drug safety to both mother and fetus. Insulin is the gold standard in treatment of pre-existing and gestational diabetes. Data from several key studies has opened the door of opportunity for oral antihyperglycemics to be pharmacotherapy option in gestational diabetes. The management of the pregnant women with diabetes requires a multidisciplinary team approach. The CDE has an unique role in both education and management of the diabetes in this patient population.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2013


  • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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